January 18, 2025

Being a successful salesman is not as easy as it sounds. Sometimes they sell products which neither their clients need it nor they themselves believe in. However, it is a part of the job and in such cases the customer gets to decide. This might sell your product or not. But you do not have to excited, a good salesman never loses his cool. You just have to do the job and allow the product to sell itself while you elaborate on the benefits and features.

Almost everyone in the planet has a trigger known as “motivation” in the mind and this is instilled deep within a person’s brain. Usually this needs a simple “push button” trigger to place in order.

This idea of controlling your mind has always tempted successful salesman. Since this gives the person an understanding of other people’s mind.

Bringing down the resistance level is the secret to being a good salesman. The person who asks questions is the one who controls. You have to talk 30% and listen 70%. Here is a 7-follow up step of the selling process and it guarantees that you will win every time!

1. Create bonding and you will be paid in return.

Most companies offer freebies and extra miles, and your vendees love them. Giving away something for free is capable of producing guilt and the feeling to return grows. The desire to pay back grows when you get something for free. For all this you need to create a connection with your vendees. The first 10-15 minutes is very important to create a bond. After that you can sit back, and watch them purchase

2. Make them dream.

While you talk make them dream. You can make them imagine how they would feel with the product in their life. How would the product help to improve their living? Once they start imagine their life once they have the product. Your job is easy.

3. Cover all aspects of the initial contact.

If the first meeting didn’t work out, remember to get back to your vendee. Restate the reason for your call, and what is your expected outcome. Usually second meeting is always comfortable and easy than the first.

4. Project as if you are the boss.

Make sure that you publicize who is buying your products. There is nothing wrong in doing this. If you have satisfied buyers let other know about it. Show them how the experts approve of your products. You can even ask your clients to write testimonials for you; even bribe them if it is necessary. You can offer discounts, bonus, free sample in for of bribes. The more credibility you create the better you product sells, the more authentic your message is, the less resistance you face.

5. Have a Good story to tell.

Something is magical about stories. When you elaborate you product with make believe stories your client becomes a participant in the story, and this is where they start to get the FEEL. At this point you get to control their imagination and tell them what you are selling. Unconsciously, a memory is created and becomes hard to overlook.

6. Commitment to create a long-term bond.

When a person buys a product they tend to trust it, and once the product gets the confidence after the first sale, customers buy it over and over again. When the product is laced with offers and discounts people obviously will go for the product disregarding the price.

7. Curiosity leads to wisdom.

When you begin your presentation, promise what will happen once you finish and just keep the curiosity going.

For keeping your prospect in suspense, curiosity is one great tool. Deliberately leave some of the information out so as to trigger the thought process. You have to inculcate and stimulate the curiosity process early in your presentation.

No one in this world likes to be sold! This is a key point you have to remember. The objections people project are mere excuses as they don’t want to be sold. Even if you sell a brand new Audi for $200 you will still face some degree of objections.

You have to find ways around these objections. You should be prepared for these objections. You should put yourself in your client’s shoes and think of every possible objection that you might face. Be prepared and let down you resistance, all the rest will be magic.

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